Avocado and Alcohol Joint Pain: Natural Remedies and Science-Backed Solutions for Healthier Joints


Joint pain is a widespread issue that affects millions of people, particularly as they age or experience chronic conditions like arthritis. Managing joint pain often involves a combination of therapies, from medications to physical treatments, but natural remedies and dietary changes are increasingly gaining attention. One such remedy involves the use of avocados, which are packed with anti-inflammatory properties that may aid in joint health. In particular, avocado oil and extracts have been studied for their ability to reduce inflammation and support cartilage repair. Additionally, a lesser-known but effective topical remedy is an avocado tincture, made by combining avocado pits with alcohol. This tincture has shown potential for providing relief from joint discomfort when applied externally.

Beyond these natural remedies, the field of non-synthetic peptides is also offering promising new solutions for joint pain. One example is ReJoint by Pürblack, a cutting-edge supplement containing the IPH AEN short-chain peptide, specifically designed to support the COMP gene. This gene plays a crucial role in maintaining cartilage health and preventing degeneration. ReJoint not only aids in cartilage and bone cell production but also helps manage inflammation, offering a more comprehensive approach to joint health. This blog will explore the science and evidence behind these treatments, from the natural benefits of avocados to the advanced technology behind peptide-based solutions.

Understanding Joint Pain: Causes and Risk Factors

Joint pain is a common issue that can result from various factors such as arthritis, injury, or the natural wear and tear of aging. It often stems from inflammation and cartilage breakdown, which leads to stiffness, swelling, and discomfort. Chronic conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis cause significant joint deterioration, which can be challenging to manage over time.

Inflammation is one of the primary causes of joint pain, and it can be exacerbated by lifestyle factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, or even stress. While medications and conventional therapies help manage symptoms, there is growing interest in natural remedies for addressing joint pain. One such remedy is the use of avocado and alcohol tinctures. Specifically, combining avocado pits with food-grade alcohol to create a topical tincture has been explored as a potential solution for easing joint pain. This mixture may provide anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties when applied to affected areas, offering a natural alternative to synthetic treatments.

The concept behind avocado and alcohol joint pain relief stems from the avocado’s rich profile of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which can support joint health. When infused in alcohol, these compounds may help to soothe painful joints and reduce inflammation when used topically. This method, along with advanced supplements like ReJoint by Pürblack, which target joint health at the molecular level, creates a comprehensive approach to managing joint discomfort. Together, these natural and scientific solutions provide new pathways for addressing long-term joint health challenges.

The Role of Avocados in Joint Health

Avocados are widely known for their nutritional benefits, but their role in joint health is particularly compelling. Rich in monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, and antioxidants, avocados help reduce inflammation, which is a key factor in joint pain. Studies have shown that avocado oil, along with extracts from avocado pits, can provide relief for conditions like osteoarthritis by supporting cartilage repair and reducing the production of inflammatory molecules in the body.

When it comes to avocado and alcohol joint pain relief, a lesser-known but effective approach involves creating a tincture using avocado pits and food-grade alcohol. Avocado pits contain potent antioxidants like polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory properties. By infusing avocado pits in alcohol, you can extract these beneficial compounds, which may help alleviate joint pain when applied topically. The alcohol acts as a solvent, pulling out the essential nutrients from the avocado pit and allowing them to be easily absorbed when massaged into painful joints.

This method of avocado and alcohol joint pain relief has gained attention as a natural remedy that can complement other treatments. While the tincture is not meant for ingestion, applying it to inflamed joints can offer a soothing effect and help reduce stiffness. When combined with a balanced diet that includes avocados for their anti-inflammatory benefits, this approach provides a holistic way to support joint health.

How to Prepare an Avocado and Alcohol Tincture for Joint Pain

The avocado and alcohol joint pain remedy is simple to make at home and relies on the beneficial properties found with alcohol, the avocado pit’s natural compounds, including antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, are extracted to create a tincture that can be applied topically to soothe joint pain. Here’s how to prepare it:

First, clean an avocado pit thoroughly, removing any remaining fruit. Once cleaned, use a potato peeler to shave off pieces of the pit. This helps create a flat surface for the first cut and prevents the pit from rolling as you slice it into smaller chunks. Next, place these chunks into a glass jar—preferably a pint or 12-ounce size. Fill the jar with food-grade alcohol, such as vodka, ensuring the avocado pit pieces are fully submerged. Seal the jar tightly with a lid.

Let the mixture sit for seven days in a cool, dark place, allowing the alcohol to extract the beneficial compounds from the avocado pit. During this time, the alcohol will turn a golden amber color, signaling that the tincture is ready for use. After a week, the tincture can be applied directly to inflamed joints by gently massaging it into the skin. The combination of avocado and alcohol in this tincture helps reduce inflammation and ease joint stiffness naturally.

This avocado and alcohol tincture for joint pain offers a simple, natural way to manage discomfort, particularly when combined with other joint health strategies like anti-inflammatory foods and supplements. While it provides topical relief, solutions like ReJoint by Pürblack target joint pain from within, offering a comprehensive approach to managing joint health over time.

Peptides: A Scientific Approach to Joint Health

In addition to natural remedies like avocado and alcohol tinctures, advancements in peptide science offer another powerful solution for managing joint pain. Peptides are short chains of amino acids that serve as the building blocks for proteins in the body. These small molecules play an essential role in regulating various biological processes, including tissue repair, inflammation control, and collagen production, all of which are critical for maintaining healthy joints.

One of the most effective peptide-based supplements for joint health is ReJoint by Pürblack. ReJoint is formulated with the IPH AEN short-chain peptide, which specifically targets the COMP gene. This gene is responsible for producing a protein that helps maintain cartilage structure and function. By interacting with this gene, ReJoint enhances the body’s ability to repair cartilage, promote bone cell production, and support joint health at a molecular level.

The benefits of ReJoint go beyond cartilage repair. Scientific studies show that peptides can significantly reduce inflammation in the joints, which is one of the leading causes of pain and stiffness. By promoting a healthy inflammatory response, ReJoint not only helps relieve joint pain but also supports long-term joint resilience and flexibility. Additionally, the product is NSF Certified for Sport, making it a safe and trusted option for athletes and those seeking enhanced performance.

The science behind peptides offers a compelling alternative to traditional treatments for joint pain. Unlike synthetic drugs, which often come with side effects, non-synthetic peptides like those in ReJoint work naturally with the body to promote healing and reduce inflammation. When combined with natural remedies such as the avocado and alcohol joint pain tincture, peptides provide a dual approach to tackling joint discomfort, both internally and externally.

Combining Natural Remedies and Peptides for Optimal Joint Health

For those seeking comprehensive joint care, combining natural remedies like the avocado and alcohol tincture with scientifically backed supplements like ReJoint by Pürblack can provide an optimal solution. While the avocado tincture offers immediate, topical relief, peptides address the root causes of joint pain at the cellular level. Together, they create a holistic approach to managing joint discomfort.

The avocado and alcohol joint pain tincture is a simple and effective topical remedy that can soothe inflamed joints. By applying the tincture regularly, you can help reduce inflammation and improve mobility, providing a natural way to alleviate pain. This external treatment works well for those dealing with localized discomfort and provides relief without the need for synthetic medications.

On the other hand, ReJoint works from within, targeting the body’s cartilage and bone production systems. Its peptide-based formula enhances the body’s ability to repair and regenerate joint tissues, reducing long-term damage and inflammation. With consistent use, ReJoint not only supports cartilage health but also improves overall joint flexibility and resilience.

The combination of these two approaches creates a well-rounded strategy for managing joint pain. The avocado and alcohol tincture offers a practical, natural solution for daily pain relief, while ReJoint strengthens joints over time by targeting deeper biological processes. Together, they help promote a pain-free, active lifestyle and support long-term joint health.


Managing joint pain requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses both immediate discomfort and long-term joint health. Natural remedies, such as the avocado and alcohol joint pain tincture, offer a simple, safe, and effective way to provide topical relief from inflammation and stiffness. Avocados, with their powerful anti-inflammatory properties, combined with the extraction process using alcohol, create a tincture that can help soothe painful joints.

For those looking for a more comprehensive solution, supplementing with scientifically advanced products like ReJoint by Pürblack offers deeper, long-term benefits. By supporting cartilage repair, reducing inflammation, and promoting bone cell production, peptides like those in ReJoint address the root causes of joint degeneration and pain at the molecular level.

Together, these methods provide a powerful combination—offering both short-term relief and long-term joint health. Whether you’re dealing with occasional discomfort or chronic joint issues, combining natural remedies with cutting-edge peptide science can help you achieve better mobility, flexibility, and overall joint wellness.