About the Resin – Page 2

Concerned about shilajit side effects? This article has everything you need to know about the so called side effects of shilajit and how these effects may not be the from the shilajit after all. When discussing side effects, we need to discuss fakes and heavy metals, processing and authenticity. Read on to know more!

Concerned about the purity of your shilajit? We don’t blame you. There are many fakes out there. From powders incapsules to tinctures and oils! In this article, we discuss the tests you can do at home to check if your shilajit is pure. We also discuss fakes so you know how to avoid them.

Are you wondering if taking more shilajit may cause side effects? Is it dangerous? In this article, we take a deep dive into shilajit overdosing and discover that even at high doses, this amazing superfood is completely safe. But not all shilajit is created equal. Fakes and poorly processed shilajit may be hazardous to health!

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