Pürblack is committed to improving the environment and leaving the planet in better condition to the future generations of humans. We work consistently on making our product environmentally friendly, with less plastic and materials which are not recyclable by the end consumer.
Over 99% of our product is reusable or recyclable.
Pürscale: 100% reusable by the end consumer. The tool serves for a lifetime. Recyclable in any specialized facility. Made out of surgical grade stainless steel.
Jar and Lid: 100% reusable y the end consumer as a biophotonic container. The jar is made out of glass which is fully recyclable in a specialized facility. The lid is made of urea-based polymer, which is fully recyclable in a specialized facility. The lid is not petroleum based.
Cardboard Packaging: 100% Recyclable in any specialized facility for paper products recycling. Compostable as well.
The inner seal: made of metal foil covered in polymer. It is 100% recyclable at a specialized facility, even though is difficult to recycle due to the small size and a combination of materials. It is less than 1% by weight of the final product.
Security seals and hologram: made out of the plastic film. Recyclable in a specialized facility. Difficult to recycle due to the small size and possibility of being mixed up with conventional garbage. The seals and hologram are less than 1% by weight to the final product.
As a company, we are open to any proposals to make our product environmentally friendlier. If you as an environmentalist have suggestions on how to make Pürblack, a greener and environmentally friendlier product, please contact us at: https://purblack.com/contact-us/
Pürblack’s reinvestment to preserving nature and resolving the plastic problem.
We donate 10% of the income from sales of X7 jar to the following organizations:
Greenpeace https://www.greenpeace.org/international/
Oceana Foundation https://oceana.org/
Plastic Pollution Coalition https://www.plasticpollutioncoalition.org/
Dunagiri Foundation https://www.facebook.com/dunagirifoundation/